
Coding and Billing

Beth Ann Yakes, who is awesome.

ICD-10 Codes - International Classification of Diseases

CPT - Descriptive terms and their codes to identify medical, surgical, and diagnostic services and procedures

E&M service codes - CPT codes - Evaluation and Management Codes

Preventive service codes - CPT codes for annual physical, non-medicare

E&M codes

Hx - CC and HPI - ROS - PFSH

Exam - # organ systems (out of 12 possible)

MDM - # and complexity of problems addressed - amount of data/complexity analyzed - risk level to pt

If established patient, does not need to have both hx or exam, can have one or the other.

Money amounts listed are for the professional fees, not necessarily including hospital fees, etc.

Average clinic day: 12 pts, ~2 $75, ~8 $110, ~2 $150 = ~$150 + $880 + $300 = ~$1330/day produced per provider

99213 (“level 3”) ~$75.

99214 (“level 4”) ~$110 (annual physical also about this amount).

99215 (“level 5”) - ~$150.

Preventive service codes

Annual physical - ~$110.

Coding based on counseling time

last updated: 2020-08-27